Install and Setup

    Tested OS 🔗

    This setup was done and tested on Ubuntu 22.04


    Install MariaDB 🔗

    sudo apt install mariadb-server

    Start 🔗

    sudo systemctl start mysql.service

    Configure 🔗

    As of July 2022 mysql_secure_installation will produce an error due how it attempts connection. This error results in a loop.

    Open SQL command prompt 🔗

    See instructions here.

    Set root password 🔗

    Replace p@s$w0rD by a suitable strong password.

    ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'p@s$w0rD';

    Close SQL command prompt 🔗


    You will no longer be able to access mysql using sudo mysql

    Run command to secure installation 🔗

    Now secure the setup. Run the command and follow the steps as appropriate.

    sudo mysql_secure_installation