
    Frequently used links and commands 🔗

    Mostly self explanatory except that running test in release mode can increase limits for things like stack overflow

    For more information about these commands see cargo test -- --help.

    cargo test -- --nocapture
    cargo test -- --show-output # Seems to also show output that is not tied to a specific test (so needed sometimes)
    cargo test -- --ignored
    cargo test -r
    cargo add --dev rstest
    cargo add --dev strum -F derive,strum_macros
    • Readme for rstest - To see examples of how to use it. (Not extracting the ones I use because each time I go back I find more I want to use). Documented how to do names because I keep looking it up, the name in the example is authorized_user (For more context search their docs that’s where it is taken from).
    • docs.rs for strum - To see list of things that can be done with enums by this crate

    Shared module for integration tests 🔗

    Source: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch11-03-test-organization.html#submodules-in-integration-tests

    Do tests/common/mod.rs and not tests/common.rs.

    Click for details!

    They mainly focus the extra 0 test cases that show in the output, and yes that’s annoying but what annoyed me more was the warnings that functions are not used as each file is compiled separately. So if warnings bother you too then you probably want to ensure you ensure you put it in mod.rs.

    Testing CLI applications by running them 🔗

    Source: https://rust-cli.github.io/book/tutorial/testing.html#testing-cli-applications-by-running-them

    Don’t have more detailed notes other than the link because I decided to not actually run the program but just test the lib instead as the compiler will guide me to where updates need to happen instead of needing to run the test to see where updates are needed. But saving the link because I’ve looked it up quite a few times.