
    If thread safety is not needed you can use OnceCell but OnceLock can be used in both and hence examples here focus on OnceLock but the example in the docs for OnceCell is pretty good.

    Example on how to use OnceLock 🔗

    The important difference between the examples is where the initialization happens

    Initialized at point of use 🔗

    Useful if used in same place it is created

    fn main() {
        foo(1); // Prints 1-1
        foo(2); // Prints 1-2
        foo(3); // Prints 1-3
        foo(4); // Prints 1-4
    fn foo(arg: i32) {
        use std::sync::OnceLock;
        static VALUE: OnceLock<i32> = OnceLock::new();
        let value = VALUE.get_or_init(|| arg);

    Initialized at point of creation 🔗

    Useful if used in multiple places as it will already be initialized

    use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, OnceLock};
    fn main() {
        foo(); // Prints [0]
        foo(); // Prints [0,1]
        foo(); // Prints [0,1,2]
        foo(); // Prints [0,1,2,3]
    fn foo() {
        static VALUE: OnceLock<Arc<Mutex<Vec<usize>>>> = OnceLock::new();
        if VALUE.get().is_none() {
                .expect("Just checked that it was empty");
        let mut my_vec = VALUE
            .expect("Just ensured it was set")
            .expect("Mutex is poisoned");
        let n = my_vec.len();