Create New Crate

    Patterned on: New Repo Creation

    Notes 🔗

    • These instructions assume github with ssh key auth but any would be similar
    • If creating a egui application with eframe I have an opinionated setup with a script at (See readme for more details).

    Instructions 🔗

    1. Create empty repo in cloud

    2. Create folder on local machine with same name (same name is recommended not required)

    3. Open a command prompt in the folder and initialize the crate

      cargo init --lib
    4. Make initial commit

    5. Add remote repo connection (Can be copied from github)

      git remote add origin
    6. Push branch to remote (Can be done from vscode UI) and set current branch as a tracking branch (-u sets current brach to tracking)

      git push -u origin main
    7. Copy in and link to template (for updates). To see more explanation of these steps see CI instructions.

      git remote add template
      git fetch template
      git merge --allow-unrelated template/main
    8. Resolve merge conflict

      git checkout template/main -- .gitignore
      git checkout template/main -- Cargo.toml
      git checkout template/main -- src/
    9. Restore crate name (was lost during merge).

    10. Add CI.