
    Summary 🔗

    We are using zola to build the website. Zola is a static site generator meaning it converts text files into formatted HTML files. It uses Markdown as the source documents to be compiled into HTML (According to the CommonMark specification). We have some relevant markdown documented here.

    Creating links to other pages 🔗

    Source: https://www.getzola.org/documentation/content/linking/#internal-links

    A quick reference to links in markdown has been documented here. In addition zola supports a special type of link which is an internal link. It works by specifying the markdown file of the page you want to link to. For example the link in the first line of this paragraph is specified by [here](@/misc/markdown.md#links). These types of links are to be preferred because they are verified to be accurate by zola while relative links are not. Links to external websites can also be verified with zola check. However, it is noteworthy that relative links do provide the ability to include index.html and therefore work well with websites meant to be used without a webserver.

    For more information on sites meant to be used offline without a webserver see easydocs_uglyurls in the configuration options for zola_easydocs_theme This is not necessary if zola serve is used as that runs a basic webserver.

    Renaming files 🔗

    If you publish your content but then realize you want to rename your files, you can setup aliases to redirect your pages instead of breaking links to your site. This can be done at the page level using the aliases field in the front matter. See example source file where site was moved from old to new.

    aliases = ["/rust/typestate"]

    Messed up formatting 🔗

    I’ve come across two cases where I got strange formatting.

    Case with checkboxes in list 🔗

    I had two lists, with checkboxes separated by a space. Without the comment the checkboxes were not next to their text.

    - [ ] 1st list Item 1
    - [ ] 1st list Item 2
    - [ ] 2nd list Item 1
    - [ ] 2nd list Item 1
    <!-- Comment fixes problem for those below -->
    - [ ] 3rd list Item 1
    - [ ] 3rd list Item 2
    • 1st list Item 1

    • 1st list Item 2

    • 2nd list Item 1

    • 2nd list Item 1

    • 3rd list Item 1
    • 3rd list Item 2

    I hd a footer that started after in a new paragraph and had : after the superscript text. Removing : or not starting a new paragraph fixed it.

    Some text [^1][^2]
    [^1]: Footer text\
    [^2]: Footer text

    Some text [^1]1


    Footer text\


    Footer text