Resume writing
Templates 🔗
I found the following sources for templates. I eventually decided on this one. It was written using typst and turns out that’s a really simple and powerful language so learned that in addition.
Bullet point formula 🔗
Source: How to write a killer Software Engineering résumé
Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y] by doing [Z]
The article I read attributed it to Laszlo Bock, Former SVP of People Operations at Google
Verb word bank from article 🔗
Improved | Transformed | Obtained |
Integrated | Shaped | Decreased |
Incorporated | Redesigned | Developed |
Piloted | Structured | Created |
Optimized | Increased | Revitalized |
Reduced | Established | United |
Refactored | Added | Used |
Utilized | Spearheaded | Built |
Implemented | Spurred | |
Designed | Produced |