LaTex Frequently used commands

    Symbol List 🔗

    University of Oregon Symbol List

    Local Copy

    Aligned Math Environment 🔗

            x + y &= 5 \\
            x &= 5 - y \\

    Center each line individually 🔗


    Centers everything in its argument 🔗


    Bold 🔗


    Underline 🔗


    Italic 🔗


    Summation with super and subscript 🔗

    $\sum_{i=1}^{n} i$

    Binomial coefficient or all combinations 🔗

    N Choose K

    {n \choose k}

    Table 🔗

        \begin{tabular}{ | m{8em} | m{8em}| m{8em} | m{8em} | }
            \textbf{Operation} & \textbf{Actual cost} & \textbf{Amortized cost} & \textbf{Change in bank account}
            1st & 2nd & 3rd & 4th \\

    Enumerated Document List (Alternate counting types) 🔗


    Dots 🔗

    Writing line (like multiple full stops) 🔗


    Vertically centered like multiple \cdot 🔗


    Vertical dots 🔗


    Diagonal dots 🔗


    URL 🔗


    Requires \usepackage{hyperref}


    Vertically stacked things 🔗

    Puts one thing on top of the other without a line between


    Brackets 🔗

    \lbrace \rbrace
    \langle \rangle
    \lfloor \rfloor

    ARG MIN / MAX 🔗


    Horizontal Rule 🔗


    Entire width of the page 🔗


    2cm long line 🔗


    Text width 🔗


    Special Chars 🔗

    Lower case cursive L 🔗


    Figure 🔗

        \caption{\label{fig:my-label} Caption Here}

    Include a PDF in document 🔗


    Start numbering from page after title 🔗
