- https://itsfoss.com/zsh-ubuntu/
- https://askubuntu.com/questions/131823/how-to-make-zsh-the-default-shell
Steps to install on Ubuntu 🔗
Tested on Ubuntu 22.04
- Install zsh
sudo apt install zsh
- Start zsh
- Select 0 to create an empty config (This step didn’t happen for me but I’m not sure why)
- Set zsh as default shell
chsh -s $(which zsh)
- Check that it is set properly (Should show zsh at end of the line)
grep $USER /etc/passwd
- Logout and log back in for settings to take effect
- After logging back in open a terminal and test with this command (Really probably not necessary the prompt looks different)
- For the equivalent of
- To set terminal title see my notes on that