Wayland or x11?

    How to know which you are using 🔗

    Source: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/202891/how-to-know-whether-wayland-or-x11-is-being-used

    Based on an error message in the rust winit crate I think the easiest way to check is see if either of the environment variables WAYLAND_DISPLAY or WAYLAND_SOCKET is set. And the environment variable DISPLAY should be set if you are on x11. So…

    You get output on at least one of this if you are on Wayland:


    And you should get output on this if you are on x11:

    echo $DISPLAY

    The actual instruction from the site are to run


    Then take the value under session in the first column and insert into <SESSION> in the next command

    loginctl show-session <SESSION> -p Type