
    Frequently used codes 🔗

    Press “ctrl + shift + u” then a ‘u’ should show up. Then enter the unicode code point in hexadecimal for the character you want. It is not case sensitive and leading 0’s are not required.

    • è - e8
    • ¢ - a2
    • € - 20ac

    Typing characters not on the keyboard 🔗


    Notes from testing:

    • If you find the key in the character map program it will give you the unicode value (which is what the code some of the other methods are asking for)
    • The emoji option “ctrl+;” put me in an “e” kind of mode but couldn’t figure out how to make it work. No menu showed up as they said it would.
    • “ctrl + shift + u” is the only one that worked for me.